Different types of learning styles

Definition of learning styles:


Everyone is different when it comes to learning. Everyone will have a different learning styles and each person will have there own way of learning something. Learning styles apply to many people and they can have more than one. People will find that they have a dominant learning style with not much use for the rest.

Learning style
What does this mean
Common phrases
Learning and Techniques
This means that you prefer using pictures rather than using text. You have a better understanding of what you’re trying to learn when there are images and colours involved. You are able to easily visualize what objects there is, and then you are able to plan from there.
        ‘’Let's look at it differently.’’
         ‘’See how this works for you.’’
         ‘’I can't quite picture it.’’
         ‘’Let's draw a diagram or map.’’
         ‘’I'd like to get a different perspective.’’
         ‘’I never forget a face.’’
You should include as much colour and images as you can into you imagery, as you will find this easier to learn. The likes or mind maps and coloured pens are very useful. Use visual words and use as much colour and images in place of text as you can.

This means that you like to work with both sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm, and can play an instrument, sing or identify the different sounds of instruments.
         ‘’That sounds about right.’’
         ‘’That rings a bell.’’’
         ‘’It's coming through loud and clear.’’
         ‘’Tune in to what I'm saying’’
         ‘’Clear as a bell.’’
         ‘’That's music to my ears.’’
If you are an aural learner, use sound, rhyme, and music in your learning. Focus on using aural content in your association and visualization.

This means that you enjoy expressing yourself in both written and spoken word. You love reading and writing and playing with the meanings of words.
         ‘’Tell me word for word.’’
         ‘’Let's talk later.’’
         ‘’The word you're looking for is.’’
         ‘’I hear you but I'm not sure I agree.’’
         ‘’Let me spell it out for you.’’
          ‘’In other words.’’
           If you are a verbal learner, try the techniques that involve speaking and writing. Find ways to incorporate more speaking and writing in techniques. For example, talk yourself through procedures in a simulator, or use recordings of your content for repetition.

This means that you are a kinesthetic learner. You prefer to use your body, hands and your sense of touch. More often than not, kinesthetic learners tend to enjoy sports and exercise. Problem solving is a big part as you will like to think out the problem while doing the exercise.
         ‘’That feels right to me.’’
         ‘’I can't get a grip on this.'’
         ‘’Stay in touch.’’
         ‘’Get in touch with'’
         ‘’That doesn't sit right with me.’’
          ‘’I have good feelings about this.’’
          ‘’My gut is telling me'’
You will prefer to use touch when learning. So try to imagine the way something would act when touching it or solve the problem with physically touching. The use of flashcards can help you memorize information as you touch to move them around. Use breathing and relaxation to focus as you perform to learn.
If you use a logical, you like using your brain for logical and mathematical reasoning. You can recognize patterns easily, as well as connections with information that seems meaningless content. This also leads you to classify and group information to help you learn or understand it.
         ‘’That's logical.’’
         ‘’Follow the process, procedure, or rules.’’
         ‘’There's no pattern to this.’’
         ‘’Let's make a list.’’
         ‘’We can work it out.’’
         ‘’Quantify it, or prove it!’’
When you study make lists by taking key points out of books and handout that you have been given as it will allow you to concentrate on the more important points.
When writing notes highlight logical thoughts and behaviors to add to statistics and lists that you have been creating.
If you sometimes forget to do things write “DO IT NOW” in capital letters and place it around your study area or even around the house so that it will stimulate your brain to do it.

This is an interpersonal way of learning and you would much rather learn in groups rather than by yourself. This means that you are able to communicate well with other people both verbally and non-verbally. You are able to listen well and take into account other peoples views. This also means that spending more times with the teacher is necessary and you like to ask questions.
         ‘’Let's work together on this.’’
         ‘’We can work it out.’’
         ‘’Tell me what you are thinking.’’
         ‘’Help me understand this.’’
         ‘’Let's pull some people together to discuss.’’
         ‘’Let's explore our options.’’
It would be important that you would aim to work within groups and with others at any chance you can get. This will be very beneficial. It would be a good idea to form a study group if you wanted to study outside of class, or if it wasn’t possible to. Share your ideas with others and take their ideas on board. Make surer that everyone is understanding and be sure to answer question, or vise-versa.

If you have a solitary you are independent and private. You find that you can concentrate better by yourself by focusing your personal thoughts and feelings on a particular topic instead of having other people views which may or may not be wrong or they may confuse you.
         ‘’I'd like some time to think it over.’’
         ‘’This is what I think or feel about that.’’
         ‘’I'd like to get away from everyone for a while.’’
         ‘’I'll get back to you on that.’’
Create a personal interest in your topics. An example for people studying a certain topic might be to research the people who were influential to the man or woman you were studying. Ask yourself questions that they might have asked themselves. What was in it for them? What kept them motivated? Why did they choose that particular field of work?

Find out your learning styles here!
These are my results for my different types of learning styles.

Click here to test your own learning styles
Now that I know what my learning style is; I can now go and use this to make my learning more effective. I can use this to make sure I am getting the most benefit by taking advantage of the fact I know my learning style. As you can see with my final results, my best learning style is social and I will make sure I use this as much as I can to make sure this will help my personal development. I will try to incorporate my 3 highest learning styles so it isn’t boring. My highest result was social and this means I prefer to work in groups as I like to listen to points, give my own and put these ideas together. I will make sure I am in groups as much as possible so I get the best out of my learning. I will consider organizing a study group outside of class for all who want to come and study. Like me, they might excel in the social section of learning styles and want to also be in a study group. From there, we could all help each other. I will make sure that everyone is understanding and will tell them how important it is to ask questions if they do not understand and from there they will learn. The same goes for me as if I don't understand, I wont be shy to ask a question.
My next highest learning style is logical. I can use this to make my learning more effective as I will use it as much as possible as I like that kind of learning. This means that I like to group information together and to memorize it. This ties in well with my social style of learning as it uses groups as well. When I am studying, I can use this technique as I will use my logic by picking out the key points in a group of information so that I am only learning the important points, therefore not wasting any time and making my learning more effective. So I don't forget to do something, I will do something that grabs my attention like writing important information on sticky notes and sticking it beside the section of information that is relevant to it. Another way I can go about not forgetting is to write in capital letters 'LEARN THIS' so I will learn it. Along with the sticky notes, I could highlight important information with a highlighter pen so that reminds me to learn this as it will be a key part.
My third highest score in my learning styles was my physical style. I agree with this as I know well that I like to be hands on if I want to learn about something. In school in classes like Science and Technology I learned the best by touching something and problem solving from there. I could use flashcards to help me learn in this certain learning style as with these cards, you learn by moving them around and this will help me memorize it. I will also get the hang of using breathing to make me relaxed as being relaxed and not being tense of distracted, will benefit you greatly.  All these learning styles can be worked very well with each other and will make my learning more effective as long as I am sure to use these and not something that won’t benefit me. This will greatly improve my personal development as I will be able to learn quicker and will be sure that I will not be wasting any time trying to learn a way that I do not like.

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