Reduce the impact of barriers

General communication

There are many different ways that people can reduce the impact of the barriers of communication, one of the barriers for general communication included the diverse audience like someone in the workplace with a cultural difference. This can be reduced if the members of staff be made aware of the diversity and then try to overcome this by taking it into consideration and sorting something out that both members of staff can come to an agreement and the message is not misinterpreted. For example, the member of staff would realise that there is a difference in culture and speak different to what they are used to and make sure there is no use of slang as that can be a big reason other people don’t understand. Another way to reduce the impact of this barrier would be to research your audience before you address them and ensure that you are clear with their age and ability to understand you. Members of staff could be trained to do so.


Interpersonal communication

A barrier from Interpersonal communication would be the barrier of background noise but there are many different ways to reduce the impact of this barrier, some of these are when talking to other people, make sure you are being respectful with other members of staff like being more quiet and conservative so you aren’t as much of a distraction to other members of staff. Members of staff could also close doors and windows so that any unnecessary noise is from somewhere else other than the office, can be dealt with. Another way to reduce background noise would be if people were to use instant messaging or the use of emails to communicate with eachother so that other members of staff have to listen to people havinig a loud conversation that could be a distraction. The air conditioning within the office or workplace could be too loud so earphones could be used to reduce the noise that is a distraction.


Written Communication

Written communication barriers will mainly include documents not being structured properly and there being spelling and grammar errors. This will tend to confuse people but there are ways to reduce these barriers and some of these ways are taking time when writing your letters or emails and constantly check throughout the document for errors using spell check or if the document has been handwritten then you should constantly go over it as it is very important or get other members of staff to check it over also. If you struggle with the structure of your document then you can use headings and sub-heading to show what you are talking about in each section and paragraph and this will make the document easier to read and this will ensure that your document will be able to be understood. If you still have trouble structuring your document, there is templates to be downloaded that have a structure ready.

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